Early detection matters. Revolutionize your lymphedema care.

Privacy & Security

Impedimed Security Architecture Diagram

Rest Assured, Your Data is Secure

To provide safe and reliable access to the data, SOZO Digital Health Platform offers the following security and privacy features.

  • HITRUST Certified. Privacy and Security compliance achieved in the 19 domains of HITRUST Security Framework
  • HIPAA Business Associate compliant
  • Requires SOZO users to have complex application passwords
  • Ability for the end users (clinician and administrator) to reset their own password
  • Configurable password lockout period and password expiration time
  • Ability to create multiple administrator accounts
  • No data resides on the SOZO System or the Tablet
  • Data in motion and Data at rest are encrypted
  • Availability of detailed user-logs via user interface
  • High availability and enhanced encrypted data back-up
  • Segregated virtual private network for different objects in the architecture

ImpediMed Security Architecture Diagram

Certification & Compliance Documents

Review and download privacy, security, and compliance certificates here or contact us for support.

HiTrust CSF® (Certification v9.3) and HIPAA Compliance

SOZO Security Overview

SOZO 3rd Party Penetration Testing Summary

SOZO Architecture Diagram, MFA & SSO

Privacy Impact Assessment

Privacy Policy

Contact Us

Questions about privacy and security for SOZO Digital Health Platform? Contact us for more information.