Early detection matters. Revolutionize your lymphedema care.

For Patients

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with lymphedema or heart failure, you know how debilitating those conditions can become. With early detection and ongoing monitoring, however, your healthcare team can provide timely, effective treatment to help you stay ahead of the symptoms.

Cancer-related lymphedema

Heart failure management

L-Dex® provider

Monitoring your condition

ImpediMed’s SOZO® device gives your healthcare provider a fast, simple, painless way to accurately monitor your condition at a subclinical level—before your symptoms become visible. Unlike weight scales or measuring tapes, SOZO detects small amounts of fluid build up independent from changes in fat or muscle. Based on a single 30-second SOZO reading, your healthcare team can adjust your treatment and better manage your condition.

Discover SOZO