Laidley, M., Alison and M. Anglin, Beth, The Impact of L-Dex® Measurements in Assessing Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema (BCRL) as Part of Routine Clinical Practice. Frontiers in Oncology, 2016. 6(192).
Laidley, A., Anglin B.
The Impact of L-Dex Measurements in Assessing Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema as Part of Routine Clinical Practice.
The results of this retrospective study demonstrate that L-Dex assessments can be incorporated into routine breast cancer programs as part of follow-up. This is critically important given the recent changes in the NCCN survivorship guidelines for post-treatment follow-up care for breast cancer patients establishing that health-care providers “educate, monitor, and refer for lymphedema management.” Additionally, the analyses suggest that L-Dex assessments can identify subclinical BCRL and subsequently monitor the return to baseline following conservative interventions. Further studies are required to demonstrate the long-term benefits of early detection and subsequently early intervention predicated upon subclinical detection of BCRL.
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