NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) for Survivorship

A Comparison of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy or Tape Measure Triggered Compression Intervention in Chronic Brease Cancer Lymphedema Prevention

This study compared rates of progression to chronic breast cancer-related lymphedema (defined as ≥ 10% arm volume change from baseline requiring complex decongestive physiotherapy [CDP]) following an intervention for subclinical lymphedema (S-BCRL) triggered by bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) or by tape measurement (TM).

Sheila H. Ridner, Mary S. Dietrich, John Boyages, Louise Koelmeyer, Elisabeth Elder, T. Michael Hughes, James French, Nicholas Ngui, Jeremy Hsu, Vandana G. Abramson, Andrew Moore, and Chirag Shah

A Comparison of Bioimpedance Spectroscopy or Tape Measure Triggered Compression Intervention in Chronic Brease Cancer Lymphedema Prevention

This study compared rates of progression to chronic breast cancer-related lymphedema (defined as ≥ 10% arm volume change from baseline requiring complex decongestive physiotherapy [CDP]) following an intervention for subclinical lymphedema (S-BCRL) triggered by bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) or by tape measurement (TM).
Open access: Yes